Two days ago we went to the Elephant Conservatory outside of
Chiang Mai. There are a lot of elephant camps in Thailand but too many of them are run inhumanely.
The one we went to was amazing. We saw a special about it on he Discovery Channel a few months ago. It's been one of the most memorable parts of the trip thus far getting to be so close to the elephants, to touch them, and see them interact.
I've been to the circus a few times and what always bothered me was how much of a show it is. I was worried that the conservatory would give me those same feelings but it didn't. You could tell that the animals were very well taken care of.

Feeding the elephants

Trainers about to bathe them

They started spraying each other with water, and a man with a very nice camera standing in front of me. I saw it coming, apparently he didn't. :)

The elephants paint, and they're not trained to do so. Their handlers just give them brushes with color on them and the elephants paint whatever they wish. It's one of the most fascinating things I've witnessed. This elephant painted elephants. We wanted to purchase the painting very badly but someone beat us to it!

We rode an elephant. It was a bit scary at first but it was an incredible experience. At one point the elephant grabbed a tree branch from above us with his trunk and yanked it down so we wouldn't run into it. I have no idea if they're trained to do these things but he wasn't prompted to do so.

A few times the elephant stopped to make very deep but barely audible noises. The rumbling from being on top of him was unbelievable. It was obvious he was communicating with other elephants. To actually sit there in silence and witness this
occurrence was fascinating.
I saw a You Tube of the painting elephants not too long ago. How exciting you got to see them in person! I love that shot of Eric on the elephant. Classic.
Nice tan Eric, seriously though, it looks like you guys are taking it all in. I'm proud of you....chris
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